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Sales Training – what it is and what it isn’t.

For sales training to be effective engage with a trainer who is focused on long term development of your staff. Who is willing to get to know your sales teams and managers well enough to spot when they fall back into a self defeating pattern. I have clients who have been in my work for over 16 years and with the continual reinforcement, they are “the best getting better.”

They evolve with reinforcement training.

Some CEO’s want to know “what tactics can my people learn to help them close?” Sales training is not about tactics and or technique. It’s about EQ, emotional quotient or emotional growth. One’s EQ can be raised and sales people who cannot close effectively are emotionally immature. They lack the ability, presence and communications skills to recognize the signals that people send and to really hear what the client is saying. Maturing a sales team takes time and reinforcement.

Sales training is people training… the best truly striving to be better. It happens with commitment to growth and change. Sales training is not a seminar or a one day event. That’s entertainment.

Commit to growth. A training company should be with you long enough to see the results with you and help during challenging times as well.

Gratefully yours,


Steve Lentini