
Many companies today face the challenge of an aging workforce. My question is “Is your company aging itself out of business?” The sheer size of the baby boom generation has millions of employees retiring over the next five to ten years and Generation Y is much smaller. So the pool of available people has to include the Millennial Generation which is much larger.

Attracting Millennial’s is very different than any other generation previously and huge changes have to occur in your company to attract them. Your business survival depends on it.

The old cultures of the Baby Boomers have to go…the culture required to support the Millennial generation is unlike anything that Boomers know.

Here is a sampling of what has to change;

The “Lone Wolf”…Millennials like to work in teams or a pair.
Cluttered old offices…Millennials like space with a game room…new or newer offices with open space.
Positive culture….open communication with none of the old, “my way or the highway” dialogue.
This generation has been “celebrated” more than any other previously…graduations from Kindergarten on…perhaps as many as 9 compared to our two including college. Their parents cheered them on at every sporting event, trophies for all was the award mentality, badges for all at recitals, etc….you have to accommodate with awards all along the way.

Lentini Training Company has developed a program called “The Millennial Mindset” © where we identify, design and coach your team to create the mindset required BEFORE you begin recruiting and interviewing Millennials…and we will screen, interview, hire and train for you with an upfront commitment to our program. We attract the best and the brightest with a guaranteed job with completion of our program which is a “paid while you train program.”

We have witnessed this aging phenomena in distribution, manufacturing and service businesses and we have 40+ years of experience training and coaching. We have combined all of the above to create this new program.

Give us a call and re-energize your team…we want to keep you growing.

Thanks, Steve

Steve Lentini