In order to get where you are going you first must set your goal. What is your destination? Like a ships Captain, you have a final destination and it’s never a straight line to get there.
Start with the end in mind and work backwards to set your path. Ask yourself along the journey, is this behavior or prospect fit with the picture you have of your final destination? If you send time with this person or doing this task, will it or they get you closer to your goal?
Spend time each day visualizing your destination and feel what it would feel like to arrive at your goal. Really feel it…see some of the rewards, picture them and feel it deeply.
Keep your eye on the final destination and keep going no matter what.
Once you arrive…you hit your goal, get ready and set another. The ship should never stay in port too long…the excitement is in the journey, so get going again.
Gratefully yours,